NCERT Books for Class-2 Maths | Math-Magic and Ganita Ka Jadu
Maths is an important subject for students to understand the working of basic things in day to day life. NCERT Books Class-2 Maths, Math-Magic-2 consists of 15 chapters. This book covers topics like Numbers, Addition, Subtraction, Time, Shapes, Pattern etc. At the end of each chapter, math problems are given for practice.
Learn CBSE has provided a chapter-wise and complete book PDF of NCERT Books Class-2 Maths in English and Hindi language below:
Download PDF of Maths Book in English For Class 2
- Prelims
- Chapter-1 What is Long, What is Round
- Chapter-2 Counting in Groups
- Chapter-3 How Much Can You Carry?
- Chapter-4 Counting in Tens
- Chapter-5 Patterns
- Chapter-6 Footprints
- Chapter-7 Jugs and Mugs
- Chapter-8 Tens and Ones
- Chapter-9 My Funday
- Chapter-10 Add our Points
- Chapter-11 Lines and Lines
- Chapter-12 Give and Take
- Chapter-13 The Longest Step
- Chapter-14 Birds Come, Birds Go
- Chapter-15 How Many Ponytails
Download Complete Book of Class 2 Maths in English
Download PDF of Maths Book in Hindi For Class 2

- विषय-सूची
- अध्याय-1 क्या है लंबा, क्या है गोल?
- अध्याय-2 गिनो मगर समूह में
- अध्याय-3 तुम कितना वज़न उठा सकते हो?
- अध्याय-4 दस-दस में गिनो
- अध्याय-5 पैटर्न
- अध्याय-6 पैरों के निशान
- अध्याय-7 जग और मग
- अध्याय-8 करो मज़े – दस के साथ
- अध्याय-9 मज़ेदार दिन
- अध्याय-10 अंक जोड़ो
- अध्याय-11 रेखाएँ ही रेखाएँ
- अध्याय-12 लेना और देना
- अध्याय-13 सबसे लंबा कदम
- अध्याय-14 आते पक्षी जाते पक्षी
- अध्याय-15 कितनी चोटी हैं?